Leg and Facial Veins

Leg and Facial Veins
Leg veins, or varicose veins are large bulging veins within the skin’s surface, typically present in the legs and dark blue or purple in appearance. Spider veins are typically often present in the face and legs and are clustered blood vessels within the surface of the skin, similar in appearance to a spiderweb. They are often purple, red, or blue.
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy and hormonal imbalance
  • Aging and photo-aging
  • Lack of exercise or movement
  • Prolonged standing or sitting
  • Tight clothing which restricts blood flow
  • Smoking or alcohol use
  • Obesity
  • Medical conditions
Vitalize Skin Clinic uses the Health Canada approved, Candela GentleMax Pro laser device to treat vascular lesions and leg and facial veins. This laser device is a multi-wavelength powerful system which safely and efficiently destroys blood vessels and removes facial veins, leg veins, and spider veins in a virtually painless way without affecting the surrounding skin.